Welcome to February. The longest shortest month of the year. In order make one of our darkest, coldest and generally most depressing months bearable, enjoyable and rewarding we need to participate and engage in all it has to offer. Go skiing, skating, hiking, enjoy the snow-covered great north woods and the icy winter coastline. There is great fun to be had in February if you participate and engage. I’ve found this to be true about February, life in general and my membership in NH CIBOR. The more I participate and engage in the organization the more I am rewarded for my involvement. There are a whole host of member Realtor benefits on a national and statewide level and numerous benefits locally for Realtors and affiliates through NH CIBOR.
On a national level Realtors can take advantage of savings on everyday goods and services such as phone service, insurance and automobiles as well as an extensive library, meaningful current research and a variety of training programs. Our state boards coordinate and disseminate information and advocate for Realtor issues on a state and regional basis. CIBOR takes a leading role in advocating on behalf of the commercial real estate industry locally, regionally and nationally. We strive to better educate all our Realtor and affiliate members through useful, instructive programs relevant to our specific market. We also provide enjoyable, interesting and worthwhile marketing and social networking sessions.
Participate and stay engaged. You will be more successful, have more fun and February won’t seem so long. Anyone with interest in helping on a committee, task force or lending specific expertise can contact Allison Ropes, allison@nhcibor.com. Also, this being leap year we have an extra day, so make it a great one!
Bob Marchewka is the 2016 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors, Bedford, N.H.