News: Northern New England
NHCIBOR is truly here to assist commercial real estate agents and brokers, and also all our affiliate members (vendors). At the NEREJ event in Boston, I actually had several people speak to me about NHCIBOR. One was an agent and the other a vendor. After our enjoyable conversation they both made two comments: "I did not realize all that NHCIBOR does for their members" and "I will be joining, as well as helping to assist in making the organization better." While happy with their actions to join, it was apparent we are not getting a message out.
This and other events have shown us in leadership of NHCIBOR that we could use some improving in this area. This is where you all come into play and help with us improving the resources to helping your businesses (affiliate & agents) more profitable and efficient. We look forward to all of you joining in or at least let us know what changes we can focus on. Please continue to speak with me when I call for our survey with all of our members, which has been very insightful.
If you are not a member or recently participated, we have a few events that will allow you to come around and get to know the great people in NHCIBOR. We have two statewide marketing meetings each month that are open to both members and non-members. The 3rd Friday is the Seacoast meeting in Portsmouth N.H. and the 4th Wednesday is the Manchester, N.H. area meeting located in Bedford. Lastly, our affiliate group will be having an "After Hours" event in Portsmouth, N.H. on February 13th at the British Beer Company. For more details on these and other events you can go to and then click on "calendar of events" in the left hand column.
A few other announcements we are holding a "Commercial Core course" for your license requirements. Then I am very excited for a special event that will be happening March 7th with our 1st quarterly meeting in Bedford N.H. The name of the event is called "Stay Out of Jail." Past events like this have brought a very high attendance, so sign up early because we are limited to the number of people.
Look forward to meeting all of you this year and have a great time!
Thanks for taking the time to talk with me this month.
Mark Dickey is the 2014 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors.