News: Appraisal & Consulting
Many, maybe most of us, will remember the tv ad where the mother would call out "Anthony" and a bright young boy would come running. So it was with Anthony, Tony, Trodella.
It must have been God's design to have Tony Trodella there when we called out Anthony. So many of us, and you know who you are, have called out to him and he always came running. He never failed to come running.
Teacher: In the highest essence. Translating, authoring and transmitting not only the techniques of appraising, but revealing the soul of the profession calling for espousal thereof.
Guardian: Dedicated to the highest standard of performance and attacking those incidents when and where they were challenged. Fearless champion.
Leader: He carried the banner for us in many positions and over many years. Never stepped back from a request or a need.
With a creative view that could see beyond the horizon, he led the MBREA into the national arena where its great organizational flavor, sweetened by his leavening, has permeated its atmosphere and invited the appraisal world to be better.
When we call now who will come running?
God have mercy on us all. God bless Tony. No more running Anthony. RIP. - Dick Dennis