Posted: May 12, 2011
SIOR Convention held May 2 - 7 at Westin Kierland Resort
SIOR held its spring national convention from May 4-7 at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa. The theme for this convention was "Coming Out on Top."
The General Sessions included the following: Opening General Session featuring Jack Canfield, author Chicken Soup for the Soul series. As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre - and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the phenomenon, Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success. He is America's leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees, and educators. Over the last 30 years, his compelling message, empowering energy, and personable coaching style has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams.
Other concurrent sessions included:
1) Brokerage Management SPB: Controlling Costs: Efficiently and Effectively Operating a Brokerage Company
2) Distribution & Logistics SPB: Understanding Supply Chain Design, Network Optimization, and Location Strategy
3) Breakout Session: The Economy, Financial Markets, and Commercial Real Estate: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond
1) Corporate Services SPB: Getting Into the Outsourcing Loop
This comprehensive session discussed how some brokers have taken advantage of the opportunities with outsourcing to increase revenues in a down market. Other topics discussed included the intricacies of facility and property management, the role lease audits play in outsourcing, and the importance of auditing owned properties. Participants walked away with an understanding of the scope of list audits and the different items included in a broad audit of an owned property. An overview of alternative software approaches and tools to support outsourcing was also provided.
2) Joint Investment & Land SPB: Historical Perspective - How and When Did the Industrial, Office, and Land Markets Recover After the Downturns of 1980, 1990, and 2001
This session provided an historical perspective of the current recovery based on how and when the industrial, office and land markets recovered after previous downturns. Discussions focused on how this historical perspective affected the recovery over the next few years.
1) Tenant Representation SPB: Improving and Maximizing the Tenant Rep and Landlord Experience
It is important for tenant representatives to understand how their actions can impede or even prevent a transaction from being completed. This session revealed landlord thoughts on what tenant reps do right and where they could improve. Participants received a handbook to getting deals done quickly and efficiently in the economic recovery.
2) Breakout Session: Coming Out on Top - An Owner's Perspective
During this session attendees learned how developers, investors and property owners have repositioned themselves during the economic downturn and the direct and indirect impact on the commercial real estate industry. This moderated panel discussion included some of the country's largest and most active property owners. Participants walked away with an understanding of the depth and degree companies have had to reorganize for the new normal. An emphasis was placed on business opportunities for the brokerage industry going forward.
3) Breakout Session: Investment Property Marketplace
This session prepared attendees for today's and tomorrow's investment opportunities. Attendees brought property brochures and "haves" and "wants" to this interactive and fast-paced session.
4) Breakout Session: Techniques and Survey Results for Handling Inbound and Outbound SIOR Referrals
The Saturday General Session: Economic Outlook for 2011 included speaker Mark Dotzour, PhD, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. Dr. Dotzour provided an economic update and discussed the current state of the economy and his economic outlook for 2011. Dr. Dotzour shared his views on the commercial real estate market, the process of the economic recovery, and what the industry can do to take advantage of opportunities in the market.
The fall 2011 convention will be in Chicago. For registration, hotel information and discount airlines, go to