News: Appraisal & Consulting
Posted: December 9, 2010
President's message: Looking backward and forward
My tenure as president of the Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is coming to an end. I will soon be replaced by the able J. Michael Tarello, MAI. This also is my last monthly article in the NEREJ. Please hold your applause.
Today I reviewed the annual survey of our members. Once again, we received strong positive responses regarding the quality of our educational offerings. We were pleased as our financial resources are "all in" when it comes to education. Buried within the many favorable responses was one that was upsetting as it is contrary to our best efforts. Approximately 1% (one respondent) indicated that we should be more welcoming to all members, regardless of membership or designation type. I ask that person to please contact me so that I may invite you to attend the next chapter meeting as our guest. I know appraisers are frugal, so remember, it was just one person.
I was recently told that the president never achieves all of his or her objectives. So, I also read the list of objectives I formulated when I became president. After giving them some thought and considering how the process actually worked, I concluded that I have achieved none. The chapter has a board comprised of four officers, the past president, regional representatives, and eight directors. In addition, we have several committee chairpersons. We also have a strategic plan that we made every effort to implement. Collectively, this talented group of volunteers improved the finances, developed and presented the educational offerings, managed government and industry relationships, and organized joint chapter meetings with other organizations of real estate professionals including the International Right of Way Association, the Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers, the Counselors of Real Estate and the Massachusetts Commercial Brokers Association. While I was called upon to make final decisions, the accomplishment of these objectives was a group effort.
Next year I will be one of our committee members and my effort will be narrowed to assisting in the implementation of an informal mentoring program that for me represents an unfinished objective. In addition, since appraising is a profession as well as a business, I will be focusing on the expansion of the latter. I am pleased to announce that with the addition of experienced and well-known appraisers John Regan, MAI and Richard Pino, beginning in January of 2011, Petersen/LaChance Realty Advisors shall become Petersen LaChance Regan Pino, LLC.
When I began my appraisal career in the early 1980's I had no business contacts and worked my way into a job by being a polite, persistent pest to Bob Nordstrand at R. M. Bradley Company. Nearly 30 years later it has been my honor to give back to a profession that has allowed me to support my family while assisting the public. I am grateful for that opportunity.
As always, if you have an interest in taking your career to a higher level, please attend a chapter meeting. I am (99%) certain that you will find the other attendees will welcome your participation. Visit the Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute's web site at
William LaChance, MAI, SRA, is the 2010 president of the Mass. chapter of the Appraisal Institute and partner at Petersen/LaChance Realty Advisors, Danvers, Mass.
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