News: Northern New England
We are turning the calendars and jumping into November, where has the year gone? I find it a great sign when you can make that comment, because it usually means you were enjoying what you were doing. I would like to leave you all with a few thoughts to keep in the back of your mind. One is the happier you are the more business continues to grow and come in. The second is this is actually a great time to not take a break, but to plant those seeds for the business you want next year.
I also started off the year suggesting that everyone think about volunteering in some way, we still have many tasks that are both short term to more longer term helping with various committees and maybe even being on the Board. The part that is hard to explain to everyone who has not volunteered before, is all the benefits everyone seems to receive by being more active with this great organization. If there is even any curiosity please feel free to reach out to me and let's chat.
We are very excited our new website design is up & running for the world to see. The site will continue to be a work in progress for a while as we tweak. I would ask all of you out there to go onto the site and test drive it, then not only give feedback to how well it operated but also what sections are more important to you so we can focus on those areas.
Political Advocacy
The new political season is also upon us as we have seen by the ads on TV & radio. There has been a lot of ground covered by this committee and I personally am very proud to be working with everyone. One of the exciting parts is the great cooperation between the committee and with NHAR (New Hampshire Association of Realtors) to work hand in hand towards some real changes for the commercial industry, both Realtors and Affiliates. The actions are not going to be just reacting to items, but being very proactive. If there are any topics you feel are very important please let myself or the committee know.
Upcoming Events
November 7 - Commercial Oriented Core Course.
December 9 - Holiday Annual Party. The event will be held this year at the Manchester Country Club. We hope to see all of you there.
Remember to sample of taste of this great organization you can attend our two statewide marketing sessions held each month. For details go to our website and click on calendar of events.
* 3rd Friday in Portsmouth, N.H.
* 4th Wednesday in Bedford, N.H.
All of the details for these and others can be found at under Calendar of events.
Thanks for taking the time to talk with me this month. And as always if you would like to see something appear in our message please reach out to me.
Mark Dickey is the 2014 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors.