News: Appraisal & Consulting
Posted: September 10, 2015
President's message: Associations are important
Professional association is defined as "An organization composed of members of a particular profession that regulates entry to and sets and maintains standards for that profession," Encarta Dictionaries.
Why are professional associations important in the real estate appraisal profession, and for that matter, any profession?
Professional associations provide an organized format for practitioners to develop a body of knowledge, expand opportunity for professionals to expand their skill set, while developing and maintaining professional standards and governance for the membership.
Throughout my years of involvement with the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, and the Appraisal Institute, I have been exposed to many opportunities. First and foremost, the Appraisal Institute has provided the basis for education fostering the foundation for a career path in real estate appraisal. It has evolved into opportunities for leadership within the organization on both a local, regional and national level.
Over the past decade, I have attended national events including conferences, annual meetings, regional governance and have met appraisers and valuation professionals on both a national and international level. The Massachusetts and Rhode Island chapter sponsored my attendance to the Leadership Development Advisory Council (LDAC) that planted and cultivated the seeds for leadership within the association. This experience consisted of organized brainstorming to tackle some the challenges facing the profession at the time, as well as provided the opportunity to lobby leadership on Capitol Hill for issues faced in our highly regulated Industry. The Appraisal Institute reinstated the annual meeting several years ago, affording an exceptional opportunity for networking with professional in the valuation, regulatory and financial services field. To me, the most valuable experiences have been with the educational offerings, as well as opportunities to collaborate and work with educators and other leaders in education and other aspects of our profession, and has provided the opportunity to be involved with national initiatives on designation development, strategic planning and education offerings.
I encourage each member, candidate and affiliate to look into these opportunities provided by our professional association. Locally, our chapter fosters the development of each and every member, candidate and associate by providing opportunities to advance their own professional development, through education and delivery of services through an exceptional group of staff and volunteers.
Our summer cruise was a success and I would like to thank both Lianne Andreucci and Melanie Kosich, MAI for pulling together it all together.
Be well.
Ken Dicks is the 2015 president of the Mass./RI chapter of the Appraisal Institute and director residential real estate appraisal risk at Santander Bank, Dorchester, Mass.
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