The spectacular fall season is in full swing as we point to the holiday season and the end of the year. The commercial real estate industry has had a robust year in New Hampshire, and NHCIBOR continues to be active across the state and opinionated on many issues.
Our new slate of officers for 2018 will be announced shortly and sworn in at our Holiday Gala on December 7 at the Manchester Country Club.
We are honored to have two of our finest take top priority in the state on November 16th. Gerry O’Connell of Keller Williams Commercial and past president of NHCIBOR (2015) will be sworn in as president of New Hampshire Association of Realtors, 2018. Bob Marchewka of One Commercial Realty and past president of NHCIBOR, has been named State Realtor of the Year, and will be honored the 1st week of November in Chicago at the NAR Conference. NHCIBOR is proud to have such esteemed members in its ranks! Come join the fun the evening on November 16th at the Portsmouth Sheraton for the NHAR installation of officers and on December 7th at the Manchester Country Club for the Holiday Gala at NHCIBOR installation of officers!
Many of you may not know that NHCIBOR owns the NECPE (New England Commercial Property Exchange). It is the premier website used in New England for the listing of commercial properties and covers four states. One can access NECPE ( and browse commercial properties. For full access one must be a member of a commercial board. The website is tied into the New Hampshire Department of Economic Development and is often used by companies considering moving their business to New England. Check it out!
The board of directors continues to work towards commercial certification and the committee is evaluating educational opportunities that will become requirements to certification.
Be on the lookout for new, improved commercial forms in zipLogix. The committee that was formed to examine our current forms and update them worked long, hard hours, reviewing every line of every form to ensure that the documents reflected the requirements of today’s business. Kudos to this incredible effort. We will be using them by the end of the year.
We are keeping our eye on the SB121 (MS4) Storm Water Drainage issue in the state. Control of storm water drainage for New Hampshire currently lies with the EPA. If the state does not vote to take back the control, New Hampshire may be the only state in the union allowing federal regulation, potentially slowing down growth in the state.
Our last Professional Development Series for the year will be held on November 10th from 8:30-11 a.m. at the Keller Williams Training Room, 168 South River Rd., Bedford, and will be on commercial broker lien law. Don’t forget our Statewide Marketing Sessions, the last Wednesday of every month at the same place, and the Seacoast Marketing Sessions, the 3rd Friday of every month at the Pease International Trade Center. Visit our website at for all events, times and dates, and to see how you can become involved!
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Kathy DeMello is the 2017 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.