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A recent report says that more than 50 million people in North America are affected by allergies and almost 55% of the population test positive for at least one or more airborne allergens. Up to now, the only way to prevent allergy attacks in the home was to close up the windows and doors tight and stay inside in the air conditioning. But now a new product called PollenTec screens allows people to fit windows and doors with screens that keep pollen out while still letting the breeze in. The PollenTec screens look very similar to normal screens but are designed with a unique filtering effect that allows fresh air to flow in while keeping out up to 100% of pollens.
Originally designed overseas in 2007, PollenTec is now making its way into the North America market thanks to Screens, Inc. of Phoenix, Az. The idea to get the product to North America came out of frustration and dogged ingenuity. "My whole family suffers from seasonal allergies," says Paul Honnen, president of Screens, Inc. "One beautiful sunny day in Arizona, I sat inside with the windows closed up and the air conditioner running to prevent the dreaded itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing from the pollens and allergens in the breeze outside."
Tired of paying $400/month AC bills, Honnen wondered why there wasn't a window screen that filtered out the airborne pollens.
"My extensive research led me to a partnership with a 150 year old specialty textile company in Europe and we are now the exclusive distributor for North America," said Honnen.
Extensive testing was conducted by the European Center for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF) and verified that 100% of grass pollens, 99.71% of birch pollen, 93.1% of stinging nettle-pollen, 90.9% pollen and Ragweed were captured by the PollenTec screen.
PollenTec screen material sells for $10 per s/f and are available to homeowners, DIYers, commercial & residential builders, and contractors. Screens, Inc. can even help customers find a screen repair company in their area to help them install the screening in windows and doors. Screens, Inc. can also provide a complete screen frame shipped directly to the consumer. The cost of material and framing would average about $75 for a normal sized window.