News: Northern New England
Name: Matthew Martin
Title: Director of Healthcare Strategies
Company: A.J. Martini, Inc.
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Place of Birth and Year: Mt. Kisco, NY 1968
Family: Wife and 2 boys
College: NY Institute of Technology
First job unrelated to your current field: Opening manager for an Upper East Side fitness center in Manhattan.
First job in current field: summer laborer on 400-unit condo in Cross River, NY.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: We provide construction management services and my focus is the healthcare sector. I plan to continue to use my expertise in healthcare to provide preconstruction and construction administration services that deliver results for our clients.
Hobbies: Restoration of British automobiles, specifically Land Rovers and Jaguars pre-1970s.
Favorite novel: Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Favorite film: Mr. Roberts
Keys to success: Fairness, the ability to connect with people, and having the proper attitude.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Philanthropist