News: Appraisal & Consulting
Posted: April 9, 2015
MA & RI Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Task Force
The MA & RI Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Task Force met to discuss opportunities to extend outreach into our local communities.
The task force is exploring opportunities to facilitate a means for local colleges and universities to link with our members in the form of internship and co-op programs. Over the next several months the Task Force will be gathering information on criteria for such programs in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island marketplace. The goal is to provide exposure to our profession to the highly-valued, relatively untapped resource - higher education, and to expose students to the level of standards, education and specialized training Appraisal Institute members bring to the profession, and ultimately provide a means to grow membership. The local chapter will act as a facilitator for this effort. As the Task Force formalizes plans, local AI professionals will be contacted to support the program. If you are interested to learn more, please reach out to the local chapter office.
Other Chapter activities in March included: A well attended Mass. and R.I. Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Continuing Education offering: Economic Outlook and Real Estate Trends 2015 and General Membership meeting held at the Federal Reserve Boston; and the Rhode Island Branch Chapter meeting held in Warwick, RI. The Chapter would again like to thank the presenters for the Economic Outlook and Real Estate Trends 2015, Brian Cordes of Cohen and Steers; Paul Briggs of Bentall Kennedy; Tim Lyne of CBRE/New England; and Tim Warren of the Warren Group for committing to this program and providing insightful information on current trends for the Greater Boston area real estate markets. Prior to the offering, designation certificates were presented to Richard Pino, MAI, Matthew Gleason, MAI and Jeffrey Klein, SRA. In Warwick designation certificates were presented to Doug Gablinske, SRA, AI-RRS, Jennifer Schnell, SRA, AI-RRS and Michael Shand, MAI, AI-GRS.
April's calendar is filled with 3 education offerings, including:
* April 15 Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings;
* April 22 - April 25 Basic Appraiser Principles; and
* April 28 Unraveling the Mystery of Fannie Mae Appraisal Guidelines.
Speaking of Fannie Mae, from their February 2015-02 Lender letter. 1) The Selling Guide has been changed to address the allowance of consideration in valuation for owned solar panels (the April 15 offering noted above will prepare appraisers for this specialized aspect of valuation) and 2) The Collateral Underwriter Risk Tool being made available to authorized sellers. The Appraisal Institute has developed a Webinar scheduled for April 15 (see for details).
Upcoming events:
Jay Zeiger Service Day will be held at Cradles to Crayons on May 14. As always, check the calendar of event of the chapter's website:
Before I sign off, I want to recognize the extraordinary efforts and support the chapter receives from our Chapter Sponsors; CBRE Boston and Joseph J Blake Associates, Inc. This support is an investment to be recognized, and enables the chapter to provide core services to our membership and local community, further advancing the mission of the Appraisal Institute to local governance and administration of services. Thank you.
Ken Dicks is the 2015 president of the Mass./RI chapter of the Appraisal Institute and director residential real estate appraisal risk at Santander Bank, Dorchester, Mass.
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