News: Northern New England
Name: Louis Anthony Caprioli
Title: President
Company: Caprioli Painting, Inc./CPI Floor Coatings
Location: 20 Beech Street Extension, Newmarket, NH 03857
Place of birth and year: Providence, R.I., 1965
Family: Wife of 21 years - Lorrianne, son Anthony 16
First job unrelated to your current field: Restaurant manager at various restaurants in Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
First job in current field: Started out doing residential painting.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Our business largely consists of commerical painting and resionous flooring projects such as Elliot Hospital, Southern N.H. Medical, York Hospital and Portsmouth Hospital. We recently completed the painting renovation at Currier Art Museum.
Nickname: Dancing Lou
Hobbies: Snowmobiling, skiing, fishing, golf, bowling
Keys to success: Determination to succeed in everything I do.
The desire to educate myself with new products and procedures. Not afraid to take chances with new ventures.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Warren Buffett.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Car salesman or general contractor.