News: Owners Developers & Managers
Register today for this year's NEBFM show! June 15th-16th at the Boston Convention Center. More than 300 exhibitors and 32 conference talks by industry leaders. Register for free today at! When registering, please answer yes to "Were you invited by an exhibitor or a co-sponsor of NEBFM'11?" and then write in IFMA.
IFMA Boston's Facilities
Asset Management Seminar
IFMA Boston's Asset Management Task Force has developed a ground-breaking program which successfully identifies Asset Management principles and best practices that affect the life cycle management of buildings. This program helps the FM to deliver consistency across O&M activities and turn managing facilities into an efficient, cost effective enterprise. This seminar will be held in two parts, focusing on the four main categories of issues that cover existing and new asset portfolios: Operations and Maintenance, Condition Assessment, Capital Planning, Design & Construction.
June 15th - IFMA Boston's
Cocktail Party at the NEBFM
After you have visited the NEBFM and Expo on Wednesday June 15th, come by the IFMA Boston Cocktail Party at Papagayo from 5-7 p.m. at 283 Summer St. You must be registered for NEBFM and have your badge in order to attend.
Come support IFMA Boston members at the NEBFM!
June 15th at 9 a.m.
Understanding the
Requirements of the
LEED Credential
Maintenance Program
We will review the Credential Maintenance Program requirements in detail and show you how Jones Lang LaSalle and other large firms in our industry have analyzed and simplified it. We will explore the many different opportunities for obtaining CMP hours and show you how to best take advantage of these opportunities. You will walk away from this session with ideas on how to get your credential maintenance hours completed easily, conveniently and without spending a lot of money featuring: Jones Lang LaSalle
June 15th at 9 a.m. How
Good is Your Group?
The process of performing an assessment of organizational characteristics and effectiveness is presented. Goals, methodology, and reporting will be discussed. Included is a case study of Providence College Physical Plant featuring: Managing Partner Performance Resource Partners
June 15th at 10:30 a.m. -
An Integrated Team Approach: A Model for Success
Through sharing information, BIM modeling, and design assist processes, team members discuss the advantages of Integrated Project Design (IPD) without the structure of an IPD contract on the Albert Sherman Center at UMass Medical School featuring: ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge.
June 15th at 10:30 a.m. -
Avoiding the Pitfalls of
Workplace Acoustics
This session addresses the fundamentals of good acoustical design for the workplace, with an emphasis on open plan offices using real-world case studies featuring: Acentech, Inc.
June 15th at 12:45 p.m. -
Integration - The Next
Evolutionary Stage for
Building Commissioning
Learn why "Integration" is the missing link that ties all systems together as one. And how it's application can be applied as a common thread to bind together the interdependencies of design, construction, installation and commissioning featuring: Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC.
June 16th at 9:00 a.m. - Proven Energy Conservation Practices
Learn from Raytheon's award winning energy conservation program. Topics will be: how to set goals & metrics developed to track progress; methods to get employees engaged; and methods to reduce plug load featuring: Raytheon.
June 16th at 9:00 a.m. - The New Massachusetts Building Code: What You Should Know!
The new Massachusetts Building Code came into full effect on February 6th. This presentation will highlight the differences between the 7th Edition and the new 8th Edition of the code featuring: Signer Harris Architects, Inc.
Thursday June 16th at 12:45 p.m.
Lessons Learned: A panel discussion on how regulatory changes of 2011 are impacting projects in Boston
A panel discussion on Mass. Building Code, Prompt Pay Law, Cal 133 and other best practices that impacts design, construction and the owner featuring : Elaine Construction, Packard Design and RDK Engineers.