News: Northern New England
Name: Henry Lesburt
Title: Vice President, Marketing & Business Development
Company: Gemini Electric, Inc
Location: Auburn, N.H.
Place of birth and year: Lynn, Mass. 1941
Family: 3 children, and 8 grandchildren
College: BU, NSCC, UNH
First job unrelated to your current field: John Hancock Group, Annuity Admin.
First job in current field: General Electric
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Premier electrical contractor and emergency power provider in N.E. Continue to increase our niche in the healthcare and educational industries serving Mass., ME, N.H. and R.I. Build our generator service division while assisting hospitals in their upgrades to comply with new electrical and fire protection codes.
Hobbies: Golf, world travel, beaches, grandchildren
Favorite novel: "The Idiot"
Favorite film: "Ben Hur"
Keys to success: Honesty, integrity and family support
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Condi Rice and Paul Monahan
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Concert pianist