News: Owners Developers & Managers
Posted: September 30, 2010
Condo Conference & Expo: Build better communities
I look forward to welcoming the hundreds of condominium owners, association board members, managers and other industry professionals who have already registered to attend this year's 21st Annual Condo Conference & Expo. It has been my pleasure and a privilege to have again chaired the CAI-NE Annual Conference & Expo Committee. This year's theme is fitting given the economy and the many challenges facing the industry as well as association board members and professional managers. The day is guaranteed to provide resources and outline ways to "Save Money, Time & Energy" in the best interest of communities today and into the future.
The committee has listened to past show attendees and added substantially more space to the show floor and educational rooms for networking and lunch. Starting off the day is "Condominium Concerns & Trends", an open forum that has seen standing room only crowds in the past. A panel of experienced industry professionals will cover topics including new lending guidelines, foreclosures and collection challenges, budget shortfalls and maintenance issues. "Associations and the Law" will provide an opportunity to address legal issues with a panel of attorneys who will review the many recent changes in condominium law as well as court rulings including the recent Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that discards the long-standing distinction between "natural" and "unnatural" accumulations of snow and ice. Understand the role of board members as well as the professional manager in an ever changing and complicated legal environment. A full day work shop for association volunteer leaders, "Condo Board Member Boot Camp" will provide an in-depth review of board member responsibilities and offer ideas and solutions to old and new problems as well as a variety of take home resources.
I want to express my thanks to the hard working and dedicated members of the CAI-NE Conference & Expo Committee including Andy Costa, Mark Einhorn, Howard Himmel, Gabrielle Piasio Charlotte Scuderi, Eric Simard and Chris Sousa and CAI-NE staff members including Natalie Springsteen and Chapter Executive Director, Claudette Carini Also, a special thanks to our Conference & Expo Corporate Sponsors The Dartmouth Group Inc., AMO, AAMC and Goodman, Shapiro and Lombardi, LLC.
With a sold out exhibit hall, educational sessions, networking opportunities, complimentary breakfast and lunch as well as raffle prize drawings, there's something for everyone. In one day at one place you can find answers to your association questions and get the products and services you need.
Tony Chiarelli is the 2010 CAI-NE chapter president and president of RMX Northeast, Inc. Milford, Mass.
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