News: Owners Developers & Managers
BOMA Boston has a great line-up of fall programs including the TOBY & Industry Awards, a hands-on Roundtable Exercise, and much more! BOMA Boston is now offering a 16 for 12 month membership - join BOMA now for the 2016 year and receive the remainder of 2015 for free!
September is Emergency Preparedness Month and the BOMA Boston Emergency Preparedness Committee has planned the September Roundtable on Active Shooter Awareness. This table top exercise will include a facilitated group discussion about emergency plans, procedures, and challenges for an active shooter incident in a high rise office building. sergeant James Blake, of the Boston Police Academy, will moderate the discussion and introduce each phase and module of the exercise. Join us to learn more about protocols, challenges, and unique issues in advance of an actual incident. The September Roundtable will take place on Tuesday, September 22 at the BOMA Boston Offices, One Center Plaza.
To learn more about joining BOMA Boston and participating in events, please contact Amy Gleason, Membership & Events Coordinator, at 617-399-7867 or