Posted: June 7, 2012
Bentz of Property Advisory Group, Inc. awarded Lifetime Achievement Award
On May 9th Greater Rhode Island Chapter 88 celebrated 35 years as an IREM Chapter. In recognition of this milestone, the first Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to John Bentz, CPM of Property Advisory Group, Inc. In 1973, the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award was the owner of a 6 unit building in Manville, R.I. and living in a 3 tenement house in Providence. He was supervising the maintenance electrical department for Wyman Manufacturing as he was a master electrician by trade. In 1978 he was invited by Bob Gaudreau and a group of investors to come and work for them as an overseer of properties and creating Investor's reports on acquisitions. In 1985, Jack earned his CPM designation, after what he considered a long candidacy of three years
With Driftwood Apartments as its first property, Property Advisory Group was formed as a management company ready to now enter the management side of real estate. John is a founding member of Property Advisory Group, Inc. and currently serves as the president of the company. He is responsible for all aspects of the property management function and the oversight of over 3,000 units in the portfolio that manages properties in Rhode Island, Arizona, Wisconsin, New York, Maine and Delaware.
In 1992 he became president of Greater Rhode Island Chapter 88; he was president for 1992 and 1993. He remains a committed and active member having served on the executive council until 2008 and continues to serve as the chapter's legislative committee chairperson and contact. He is well known for his "be sure to contact your legislator" chapter meeting reports and his "call - don't email" instructions.
John continues to be an active community member through his association with numerous community and industry trade groups. John is currently a vice president with National Leased Housing Association (NLHA), a Washington, D.C. based trade group. John was the past president of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) in Rhode Island and is currently serving as the legislative chairperson for this national organization. He currently serves as a director on the executive board with the Rhode Island Home Builders Association (RIHBA). John is the treasurer of the Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation (RIHEBC) which, during his tenure, has issued over $500 million in municipal bonds for nonprofit healthcare and educational institutions (both public and private) in Rhode Island to assist in meeting their goals to provide the highest quality of service in the best facilities. Additionally, he was a past president of the Rhode Island Apartment Association.
Also recognized for their contributions to both the Chapter and Real Estate Management were Kathleen Manzi, CPM of the Year; Yadira Espaillat, ARM of the Year; Karen Fagundes, Associate Member of the Year; Olga Trimmer, Volunteer of the Year; and Harvey and Cathy Markman of Sanichem Inc. as Friend of IREM. Also honored were chapter past presidents, committee chair people and members and all volunteers who have contributed to the success of the organization.
Richard Hitt, CPM, is a senior property manager with Phoenix Property Management Inc., Warwick and is the president of IREM-Greater R.I. Chapter No. 88, Providence.