What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? Starting a construction company has been one of my greatest professional achievements. I have learned so much, not only about the construction industry but about business in general. From business development, strategic planning, financial stability, and developing SOPs, to working with and motivating groups of people, there are so many aspects of a business that contribute to the growth of a company. I also learned one person can’t be great at everything, but hiring great people and nurturing those people to do their best is what is important for growth and a positive and productive work culture.
What are you doing differently in 2020 that has had a positive impact on your career? Paying closer attention to our people including myself. I realize I have to take care of myself to be the best I can be for others. Working 14-hour days may produce results but I am more productive when I take time to exercise, meditate, and spend time relaxing with family and friends. Then I come back fresh and more prepared to produce and be effective.
When I’m not working I am…Playing indoor and outdoor soccer, or spending time with family.
What trends are you seeing in your field this year? I’ve noticed more emphasis on affordable housing than luxury housing. This is the first time we’ve hired a Diversity and Compliance Officer to work on affordable housing projects. I am excited about this because, as a woman-owned business, we are always trying to find projects that contribute to the well-being of diverse populations, and to employ as many diverse populations as possible, including but not limited to socioeconomic diversity, as well as those who are residents of the neighborhood in which we plan to build.
Who or what inspired you to join the construction industry? My dad. He came from Italy with my mom with little to nothing, started his own tile business in Rhode Island, and achieve lots of success. I loved going to work with him. He and my mom taught me the importance of hard work in order to be successful. My dad also taught me indirectly about the quality of work, doing a good job, and having pride in your work. People still come up to me and say, “Fausto is the best tile setter in Rhode Island!” He is still dabbling in tile work at age 82!