News: Owners Developers & Managers
If you are wondering what some of the reasons to join CAI-NE are, here ther are:
Condo Media magazine: Receive updates every month on the issues affecting New England communities in Condo Media magazine, the only official monthly publication of CAI-NE. Each issue contains articles on community association operations and management, state and local legislative updates, a classified directory of association service providers, calendar of regional events and much more.
Common Ground Magazine: CAI's award winning, bimonthly publication designed to inform members of the issues affecting community associations around the country.
Educational Opportunities:
Educational Seminars: CAI provides affordable educational seminars for board members and homeowners that address issues facing community association leaders. Seminars for professional managers are designed for both novice and more experienced community association managers.
Manager Designations: CAI offers the Professional Development Program for Managers (PMDP) to train association managers in an intensive seven-course curriculum followed by a rigorous case study and exam. Associations are able to identify the most skilled, most highly trained individuals and companies through CAI's professional designations.
Chapter Website The chapter's website keeps you up to date with the many activities at the local chapter level. The site features a regularly updated calendar of events, informative articles and reports, and much more.
National Website To reach out on a more national level, the CAI National office maintains a site with links to other related community association sites throughout the country.
Committees: Committee members are the backbone of CAI and the resource that makes the New England chapter successful. Leadership skills are developed when you participate on one of the chapters many committees.
Social Events: Various social gatherings like the annual awards banquet and golf and tennis tournament, are held throughout the year to provide an opportunity to network with other association volunteer leaders, homeowners, industry professionals and product/service providers.
Legislative Activity:
The Legislative Action Committee is devoted to keeping informed of legislative issues affecting community associations. Testifying at hearings, drafting and filing legislation and establishing a strong voice at the state house through grass root efforts, the committee seeks to preserve and enhance the community association lifestyle through legislative initiatives.
Marketing Benefits
Increase Business:
Discover how your company can get the best marketing value for your dollar in New England. The business opportunities abound at the local chapter level providing a variety of opportunities for exposure to thousands of association decision makers throughout the chapter area. Programs available include advertising, trade show participation, event/program sponsorships and much more.