Posted: October 17, 2013
United Illuminating Company uses state programs to support energy efficiency upgrades
Calabro Cheese, a 60-year-old family owned and operated artisan Italian cheese company, knows good cheese. They don't cut corners on ingredients, using only fresh, local whole milk to hand-craft cheese using Old World Italian recipes. They were, however, open to ideas on cost-cutting in their East Haven, Conn. facility and turned to The United Illuminating Company (UI) to help identify energy upgrades for cost savings benefits.
As administrators of Energize Connecticut programs, UI helps businesses identify areas for energy efficient improvements, connects them with experts to make the upgrades and oversees the energy efficiency project through completion. They also secure rebates, incentive payments and, in some cases, low interest financing from the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund for their customers.
Through Energize Connecticut programs, Calabro Cheese completed four energy efficiency projects in 2012 and 2013 that include upgrades such as a comprehensive lighting retrofit, refrigeration motor replacement, steam trap survey, repair and replacement. They also participated in a compressed air leak study followed by installation of new compressed air distribution system and steam trap insulation, including remote monitoring.
"The process was clear and straightforward," said Rich Kaminski, general manager of Calabro Cheese. "Our UI representative worked hand-in-hand with us and with equipment providers to effectively manage our upgrades. We use the money we're now saving on energy to payback the cost of the project, and once the project is paid off we'll be able to reinvest our savings elsewhere in our company."
"Calabro Cheese made a significant investment in their future that will be extremely beneficial in years to come. They are now operating with up-to-date technology that will use less energy, lower their monthly energy bills and reduce overall business operating costs," said Melissa Gilbert, energy engineer at UI.
For their combined upgrades, Calabro received a $56,457 incentive payment from the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund and are now saving 22% on energy annually. This percentage translates to an estimated $95,769 savings on energy bills annually.
Energize Connecticut programs help you save money and use clean, affordable energy. The programs are a partnership of the Energy Efficiency Fund, the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority, and your local electric and gas utilities and are funded by a charge on customer energy bills. Information on energy efficiency programs can be found at