News: Construction Design & Engineering
Name: Robert Hoye, AIA, LEED AP
Organization: Boston Society of Architects treasurer
Company: TRO Jung|Brannen
Title: CEO & Chairman
Location: 22 Boston Wharf Rd., Boston, MA 02210
Birthplace and year: Boston, MA - 1947
Family: Two sons - Alex and Morgan
College: Bachelor of Arts, University of Pennsylvania; Masters of Architecture, Harvard University
First job outside real estate: Bagging groceries
First job in real estate: TRO Jung |Brannen
Currently do/future plans: Currently provide architecture, interior design, engineering and planning nationally and internationally. We have over 300 employees in 7 offices. In the future we would like to continue work in the commercial, hospitality, healthcare, R&D and education sectors.
Hobbies: Golf and fly fishing
Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite movie: Dances With Wolves
Person your most admire: Leonardo DaVinci
Key to success: Hard work and perseverance
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Archeology