Thomas Venables - 2003
President & CEO
Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank
58 Main St., Franklin, MA
Bridgeport, Conn., 1955
Family: Wife Beverly, children: Michael, Mathew, Kaitlin
College: Boston College. BA. Business Management; Bentley College, MBA, Business
First job in finance or allied field: Teller at Grove Bank in 1974
What do you do now and w hat are you planning for the future? Located at Rtes. 495 and 95 with 6 branch offices, the bank has a strong community feeling, people like the community and the banks modern conveniences, credit, lending. Future: plan to grow the business.
Hobbies: Reading, new to golf, tennis
Favorite book: “Roosevelts Secret War” - FDR & WWll, espionage, by Joe Persico
Favorite movie: “Usual Suspects”
Key to success: Treat people with respect.
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Writer