Paul Alphen - 2008
President, Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts
Balas Alphen & Santos
200 Littleton Rd., Westford, Mass. 01886
Boston - 1954
Family: Wife, Annette; sons, Paul and Christopher
College: Boston College, BA and MBA in Sociology; Suffolk University, MPA; New
England School of Law, JD
First job outside of real estate: Police officer, Wayland
First job in current field: Real estate lawyer: Hall Balas & Finnegan
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? REBA goal is to educate and increase our memberships, especially with regard to real estate lawyers.
Hobbies: Power boating, cars, travel
Favorite book: "An Innocent Man" by John Grisham
Favorite movie: "Bullitt"
Person you admire most (outside of family): John Pine (retired Boston municipal court judge)
Key to success: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Write boating reviews for "Boating" magazine or car reviews for "Car & Driver"