Patrick Dowdall - 2003
Managing Director
Atlantic Exchange Co., Inc.
21 Milk St., Boston, MA
Missoula, Montana, 1947
Family: Wife, Suzanne; Sons, Brendan, Colin and Michael
College: Notre Dame BA in Government; Harvard Law, J.D.; Harvard, PhD - Government
First job outside of finance: Associate attorney, Dewey Ballantine in New York.
First job in finance or allied field: Started Atlantic Exchange in 1998
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Operate a 1031 exchange company. Includes acting as a qualified intermediary, consulting and related services.
Hobbies: Basketball, reading
Favorite book: "The DaVinci Code"
Favorite movies: "The Godfather"
Keys to success: Work hard
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Investment banking.