Professional Profile: Lorenzo Vascotto - 2003

Professional Profile: Lorenzo Vascotto 2003

Name: Lorenzo Vascotto - 2003
Title: Managing Director
Company: VVA LLC
Location: 461 Park Ave. South, New York, NY
Birthplace: USA, Feb. 11, 1961
Family: Married, 3 children College: Manhattan College First job outside of real estate: Engineer First job in real estate of allied field: Founded VVA What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? VVA is an independent project management firm dedicated to helping its clients - whether private corporations, professional service firms, or public or not-for-profit institutions utilize their financial and human resources in ways that create the greatest value for them as they expand, consolidate or upgrade their facilities. We are one of the foremost consulting firms in the project management arena. VVA plans to continue to expand its foray into the international markets in serving its clients. Hobbies: Sailing, skiing Persons you most admire (outside of family): This is too broad a topic. I admire many different people for different things. Keys to success: Common sense, experience and knowledge of the field If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Developer
Lorenzo Vascotto - 2003
Lorenzo Vascotto - 2003