Professional Profile: Larry Carpenter - 2017

Professional Profile: Larry Carpenter 2017

Name: Larry Carpenter - 2017
Title: Project Executive
Company: Timberline Construction
Location: Canton, MA
Birthplace: Attleboro, MA

Family: Wife, 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

College: Wentworth Institute of Technology, 1977, Associate in Applied Science Building Construction Technology. Roger Williams University, 1987, B.S Construction Management, Summa Cum Laude.

First job unrelated to your current field: Jewelry factory

First job in current field: Field engineer

What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Timberline offers a full range of construction services, including preconstruction, design/build, construction management and general contracting. The firm’s portfolio includes projects in a full range of market sectors, including corporate, life sciences, academic, multi-unit residential and healthcare. We prioritize our clients’ needs and goals, as well as the health, safety and professional well-being of all who work for us.

Hobbies: Camping, hiking, shooting sports, fishing and cabinetmaking.

Favorite novel: The Choice

Favorite film: Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Keys to success: Attention to detail and a sense of urgency in all I do. Also, respect for others and an open mind.

Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Those fighting diseases, such as cancer.

Larry Carpenter - 2017
Larry Carpenter - 2017