College Attended (If Applicable): Graphic Design / Communications
First Job Unrelated to Field: Pizza maker at Chuck E’ Cheese
First Job in Current Field: Worked for Cosmos Painting as a teenager
What Does Your Business Do Now, and What Are Your Plans for the Future: We like to stick to what we’re best at, and that’s being great painters.
Keys to Success: I’m not sure that we’re a success yet, but when we get there, it’ll be because we keep communication open and flowing.
Role Model (outside of family): Since joining the PDCA years ago, I’ve met a couple of local contractors that continue to mentor me and inspire me to be a better leader day after day.
If You Had to Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be: I love to cook, so I would love to enter the restaurant business… but I also value my nights and weekends, so I take that back.
Hobbies: I’ve always been a fan of music. I used to DJ, and owned a small recording studio with a friend. My main hobby over the last 15 years has been playing middle-eastern percussion.
Favorite Novel: I’m not much of a novel reader, but my favorite book would be the first business book I ever read called “Getting Naked” by Patrick Lencioni.
Favorite Film: I don’t know anyone who would refer to it as a “film”, but it’s one of those goofy movies that still cracks me up to this day… “Airplane”.