Professional Profile: Jeff Palmer - 2016

Professional Profile: Jeff Palmer 2016

Name: Jeff Palmer - 2016
Title: Project Executive
Company: C.E. Floyd Company, Inc.
Location: Middletown, CT
Birthplace: Greenfield, MA

Education:  BS Construction Management, Roger Williams University

What your firm does now and its plans for the future?  General contractors/construction managers performing private work in the senior living, educational and hospitality sectors. Plans for the future include continuing our track record for success in the Southern New England area while expanding into select areas of NY.

Favorite novel(s):  “Shutter Island, 1776”

Favorite film:  “Shawshank Redemption”

Keys to success: hard work, dedication

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?  Landscaper, framer or something else that would keep me outside most of the year.

Are you a member of an association? If so, what is the association & your role? AGC, RWU Construction Management Alumni Association.

Jeff Palmer - 2016
Jeff Palmer - 2016