Family: Not yet
College: Providence College 2005
First job unrelated to your current field: Working for the family construction business as a laborer/carpenter.
First job in current field: Union Office Interiors
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Full service office furniture dealer with best-in-class design support and project management. My focus is providing office floor plan solutions with demountable partitions.
Hobbies: Amateur vintner focusing on red wine, fly fisherman, bow hunter, Big Brother of the Big Brother Big Sister Association since 2009, wood worker and furniture builder, classic car enthusiast, hiker
Favorite novel: “Lonesome Dove”
Favorite film: “Band of Brothers”
Keys to success: Honesty and integrity
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Tom Brady
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Latex salesman at Vandelay Industries