Professional Profile: Fred Messore - 2013

Professional Profile: Fred Messore 2013

Name: Fred Messore - 2013
Title: Senior Vice President
Company: Colonial Properties, Inc.
Location: Orange, CT
Birthplace: New Haven, CT
Family: Single father of a 14 year old daughter First job unrelated to your current field: Paperboy First job in current field: Executive director, West Haven Economic Development Corporation What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Our firm is a full service commercial brokerage operating statewide with a focus in New Haven County. Plans for the future include adding commercial agents and continued growth in existing markets. Hobbies: Tennis, running, volunteering, cars Favorite novel: "Modern Real Estate Practice" Favorite film: Godfather Trilogy Keys to success: Hard work, perseverance, positive outlook Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): James Hill, Chris Gardner If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Architect
Fred  Messore - 2013
Fred Messore - 2013