David Dean - 2003
Litchfield County Commercial Brokers
61 Main St., Torrington, Conn.
Torrington, 1946
Family: Wife, Ginger; two children, three grandchildren
College: Western Connecticut St. College, Degree in Psychology
First job outside of real estate: None, never!
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Real estate broker since 1971. I build and run a commercial real estate company. Future: semi-retire in two years, sell company to next generation and work for them.
Hobbies: Tennis, kayaking, rail-walking, PS2, platform tennis, building “camps” in Maine
Favorite book: “Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand
Favorite movie: “On Golden Pond”
Person you most admire (outside of family): Warren Buffett
Key to success: Surround yourself with the best people and then widely support them!
If you had to choose another vocation, would it be? Nude beach suntan oil dispenser