Professional Profile: Christopher Barry

Professional Profile: Christopher Barry 2016

Name: Christopher Barry
Title: Owner
Company: Christopher J Barry Architect
Location: Boston
Birthplace: Keene, NH

College Attended (If Applicable): Massachusetts College or Art

First Job Unrelated to Field: none, my first job in architecture was in 1986

First Job in Current Field: Michael Prodanou Associates, he was a former partner at TAC, the Cambridge firm started by Walter Gropius.

What Does Your Business Do Now, and What Are Your Plans for the Future: I try to work paperless, I’m moving to cloud storage and other technologies that allow me to be more mobile. I will also be exploring new software for 3D. Despite this, I still believe in old school practices and enjoy drawing.

Hobbies: Skiing, biking, fun in the sun

Favorite Novel: “The Fountainhead”

Favorite Film: “Dolores Claiborne” and “Shawshank Redemption”

Keys to Success: following through on a well organized plan

Role Model (outside of family): F L Olmsted

If You Had to Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be: Accounting

Christopher Barry
Christopher Barry