Professional Profile: Christopher Mellen - 2016

Professional Profile: Chris Mellen 2016

Name: Christopher Mellen - 2016
Title: Vice president
Company: Simon Companies
Location: Braintree, Mass.
Birthplace: Boston

Organization: IREM, national president

Family: Wife, Elaine; children, Chris Jr., Mandi and Chad and grandson, Alexander

College: Fox School of Business, Temple University, bachelor’s degree; Boston University, master’s degree

First job in current field: Asset manager

What your firm does now and its plans for the future?:  Real estate management and developing properties and real estate management

Hobbies:  This year my activities with IREM as its national president

Favorite novel:  War and Peace

Favorite film:  Saving Private Ryan

Keys to success:  Go with it

Person(s) you most admire (outside of family):  Franklin Simon, my boss, mentor, and founder of the Simon Companies

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: College professor.

Christopher Mellen - 2016
Christopher Mellen - 2016