NH Joint Engineering Societies to hold annual conference Oct. 8
October 1, 2009 - Northern New England
The New Hampshire Joint Engineering Societies (NHJES) will be holding their third annual conference to discuss current engineering issues, bring engineers of all disciplines together, and inform and educate the public and students on how engineers impact their lives every day. The focus of this year's symposium is "Investing in Infrastructure" and it will be held on October 8 at the Executive Court Banquet Facility at "The Yard" complex in Manchester. This year's conference is co-chaired by several of New Hampshire's top engineering societies including:
* New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers (NHSPE);
* New Hampshire Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE-NH);
* American Council of Engineering Companies of NH (ACEC-NH);
* Society of Woman Engineers (SWE-NH);
* New Hampshire Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-NH); and
* Structural Engineers of New Hampshire (SENH).
This joint event will feature opening remarks by Andy Herrmann, ASCE's assistant treasurer and chair of the 2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure, as well as other key speakers and topics including NH Senator Martha Fuller Clark, who will speak on National Historic Trust; as well as NHDOT commissioner George Campbell and transportation specialist, Mike Izbiki, to give their perspectives on the current and future state of our transportation infrastructure; Thelma Brown of PSNH to speak on new and emerging technologies in our power distribution infrastructure; David Preece, executive director of the Southern NH Planning Commission; Brian O'Neill, deputy director of Manchester Boston Regional Airport, will speak on regional growth perspectives and initiatives; and Jim Isaak will provide his perspectives on the significance and issues associated with our internet infrastructure.
A conference agenda and registration form can located at www.nhjes.org. or by contacting Martha Mitchell at mmitchell@Terracon.com.
Apart from the presentations, attendees can expect a unique opportunity to network with engineers and undergraduate students from varying engineering fields, and learn about projects and current issues facing engineers in today's environment.
Registration and coffee begin at 7:30 a.m. with the opening address at 8:30 a.m. A total of 6.0 Professional Development Hours (PDH's) will be offered for attendance at this event. Students and non-members of NHSPE are encouraged to attend. The fee for members of the sponsoring societies is $80, non-members are $100, and full-time students are $40.
Created as a collaborative association of New Hampshire's Technical Engineering Societies, the New Hampshire Joint Engineering Societies mission is to provide education, leadership, and support for the profession of engineering across all disciplines of practice. For more information and upcoming events, visit www.nhjes.org.
The New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers is a state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers and is the society for licensed professional engineers from all disciplines that promotes the ethical and competent practice of engineering, advocates licensure, and enhances the image and well-being of its members. Founded in 1934, NSPE serves more than 44,000 members and the public through 53 state and territorial societies and more than 500 chapters. For more information, visit www.nhspe.org. and www.nspe.org.