Chairman's message: Gould Construction Institute
September 15, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
Although the construction industry has yet to rebound from the economic downturn of the past year, the industry will soon be in need of qualified men and women who are ready to become the next generation of carpenters, electricians, pipefitters, and project managers. The Mass. chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. are fortunate to have the Gould Construction Institute (GCI) as our training affiliate. GCI is a proprietary trade school that is fully licensed by the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is also accredited by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).
In recent years, the pool of talent that will step up and replace today's retiring construction workers and craftsmen has been dwindling. One reason for this, in my opinion, is that today's high school and college graduates do not know where to go for training as an electrician, pipe fitter, or carpenter. There is a misconception out there that if you did not attend a vocational high school, you missed your opportunity to learn a trade.
GCI is an answer to that problem. They hold classes around the state as well as at their Burlington headquarters. They have an extensive list of course offerings that provide the classroom time needed to earn a craft license.
I am confident that the construction industry and merit shop contractors will eventually return to work building the housing developments, office buildings, and stores that provide Mass. residents with places to live, work, and raise a family. And GCI will have an important role to play as the industry rebounds.
To learn more about GCI, please visit or contact the GCI executive director, Barbara Lagergren, at (781) 270-9990.
Gerald Simmer is the chairman of the Mass. chapter of ABC, Burlington, Mass.