President's message: Hold to your good business practices
September 15, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
When subcontractors get together these days, the conversation turns invariably to the construction market - how is business? Is it getting better, worse, or at least, staying steady? The answers still vary - some see signs of improvement, with more work to bid on, while others still fear the worst is yet to come. For all, the bidding is fierce, with pressure to take work at little or no profit - unsustainable in the long run.
So, what do we hold onto in these uncertain times? We need to hold on to our own good business practices. If we don't ask for a reasonable standard of trust and fairness in those we do business with, there will be little point continuing as professional subcontractors. We are all cutting overhead, being creative with work schedules for management, buying materials and insurance competitively, and sacrificing profit to capture work. But you must try not to cut back on the things that make you a good subcontractor. Your ability to bring qualified people, your good credit, your safety record, your skill and efficiency are all worth more than the cheapest price in a bidding war.
And of course hold on to ASM. Come to our meetings, especially the wine tasting event next week, and share your experiences with your fellow contractors. New ideas are out there and you will benefit through sharing them. Continue to build your business acumen by attending one of our informative seminars. We look forward to seeing you there.
Sara Stafford is president of Stafford Construction Services, Saugus, Mass. and is president of the Associated Subcontractors of Mass., Inc., Boston.