Mike Berry 2009
September 15, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
Name: Mike Berry
Title: Public Affairs Director
Company: ABC-Mass. chapter
Location: 200 Wheeler Rd., Burlington MA 01803
Birthplace and year: Boston-May 1983
College: B.A. Merrimack College, MPA Bridgewater State College
First job: Installing cedar fences and granite mail box posts
First job in current field: Legislative aide-Mass. House of Representatives
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Associated Builders and Contractors of Massachusetts believes that the common good is best served by an open and competitive marketplace; that every company, regardless of its affiliations, has the right to compete free of coercion by any group or organization; and that every person must have the opportunity and right to work. Toward this end, ABC's mission is to foster an environment that ensures our members and their employees the ability to grow and prosper.
Hobbies: Sports, working out, movies, politics, politics and politics
Favorite book: "Faith of my Fathers" by Senator John McCain
Favorite movies: Fletch, LA Confidential, Cinderella Man and Animal House
Person(s) you most admire: U.S. military veterans
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Rock star