Turks Head Building owners open new art gallery in lobby
September 10, 2009 - Rhode Island
Turks Head Building has opened Turks Head Gallery with the showing of an original interpretive and collaborative mural titled "Birds and Waves".
The mural was created in a single day at a RISD workshop on March 29, by hundreds of children and their parents. Cathren Housley and her assistants made prints from the children's artwork and created the mural. The mural measures more than 6' in height and 18' in length.Turks Head Gallery will display the art work of local artists with rotations occurring every 30 to 90 days depending on the program and time of year.
Turks Head Gallery is located in the lobby of 150,000 s/f, 16-story Turks Head Building, a landmark office tower in the financial district.
76 Westminster Street, LLC is the building owner.
Currently the building is at 90% occupancy. Notable tenants include BRI headquarters, Janney Montgomery Scott, TD Ameritrade, numerous law firms, and Cafe La France. Recent property renovations include mechanical upgrades. HVAC building controls, wiring and CISCO components for free building Wi-Fi, class A tenant improvements on numerous floors, enhanced building security system, interactive tenant directory.
"We've got great lobby space that is perfect for displaying art and with the best art school in the country as our neighbor, there couldn't be a better match. We think our office tenants will love the changing displays while providing them with a great amenity as they move through our lobby each day", said Turks Head Building property manager Lisa Marrocco, of Greater Providence Properties.
Turks Head is a full service building located near major highways, and walking distance to the Amtrak train station, federal, superior, district and family court. On-site management and maintenance personnel.