The Proto Group
September 2, 2009 - Connecticut
Lou Proto, principal of The Proto Group, has been in the commercial real estate field since 1989. He has served as the state of Connecticut retail co-chairman of the International Council of Shopping Centers, a post he held from 1996-2000.
Steve Patten has specialized in the commercial field since 1994. In addition to holding a BA in economics from the University of Connecticut, he has earned degrees in architectural drafting and mechanical engineering and is pursuing his CCIM designation. He has served as the Connecticut ICSC retail co-chairman from 2002-2005, held the position of director of the Greater New Haven Association of Realtors from 2004-2006, and is a former president and director of the Greater New Haven Association of Realtor's Commercial and Investment Division. Patten is a frequent contibutor to the New England Real Estate Journal.