MacDermid Reynolds & Glissman
September 2, 2009 - Connecticut
MacDermid, Reynolds & Glissman, P.C. was established in 1992 as a boutique commercial real estate law firm offering experienced and diversified legal counsel and practical solutions to its commercial real estate transactional and litigation clients. Drawing upon its attorneys' large firm and major development backgrounds, the team of seasoned veteran attorneys is uniquely equipped to respond with personal and economical service addressing not only the client's legal needs but also the demand for cost-effective lawyering and advocacy with an understanding of the client's business.
Our attorneys are increasingly being sought after to address distressed real estate issues. Tenants seeking lease concessions, landlords seeking lease enforcement and lenders and borrowers seeking loan modification, workouts and foreclosures are becoming more common once again. This is familiar territory. During the downturn of the economy almost two decades ago, our lawyers not only represented clients in working out troubled leases, loans and assets of all sizes and property types, but some of our lawyers were on the business side of these assets.