Cleaning - Performance Environmental Services, LLC
August 25, 2009 - Spotlights
Performance Environmental Services, LLC is a privately owned and operated commercial housekeeping organization. Performance Environmental was initially founded in 1990 as Pritchard Industries. On August 1st of this year Pritchard vice president, Steve Sadler and his management team aquired the New England division of Pritchard. Our corporate headquarters have been and will remain in New Haven, CT. We have existing offices in New Haven and East Providence handling the Boston and Rhode Island business and South Windsor, CT. handling Hartford and Western Mass. We are a full service contractor providing contract cleaning solutions with a focus on environmental considerations. We currently provide services to a variety of facilities throughout New England including Class A/B office buildings, schools and universities, warehouses, banks, hotels, medical facilities, and fire and police departments. We specialize in the following;
* janitorial services
* carpet and hard surface care
* general and replacement labor
* certified mold remediation
* recycling and clean environment needs
* infectious disease response planning ( H1N1)
* 24/7 emergency response/ water and flood cleanup
Performance Environmental Services, LLC, Contract Cleaning Solutions,
111 Court St., New Haven, CT 06511, Tel: 203-624-3200