IREM publishes revised edition of Practical Apartment Management
July 15, 2009 - Connecticut
For anyone who manages apartments - whether new to the industry or a seasoned professional - the sixth edition of Practical Apartment Management, just published by the Institute of Real Estate Management, is an authoritative, comprehensive "how-to" guide providing practical information about the many day-to-day responsibilities involved in managing apartments. Completely revised and expanded to reflect the dramatic changes that have occurred in almost every aspect of residential property management over the past five years, the publication is organized for use as an ongoing reference tool. It covers the basics of ownership, management, and insurance; includes advanced solutions for marketing, leasing, and tracking residents of rental properties; and contains a wide array of new ideas and techniques to enhance on-the-job performance.
Edward Kelley, CPM Emeritus, is a forerunner in the apartment management industry, and continues to pioneer new techniques and approaches to benefit property owners and managers. His distinguished career has included extensive management responsibilities for billions of dollars worth of investment real estate. Kelley's writings and seminar presentations have drawn wide and enthusiastic audiences. In addition to Practical Apartment Management, he has written other texts dealing with investment analysis and apartment marketing. He also is a prolific writer of articles for trade magazines on a wide array of subjects, including apartment marketing, upgrading and renovation, resident retention, rent setting, collections, and staff training and motivation.
Practical Apartment Management is $47.95 for IREM Members and $59.95 regular price (plus shipping and applicable state sales tax). To order, contact the IREM Customer Relations Dept. at 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, or call toll-free at (800) 837-0706, ext. 4650 or e-mailed to