President's message: ASM continues business as normal
July 14, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
Summertime, and the living is easy. So they say, but not this year! Summer 2009 presents special challenges for all businesses, construction ones more than most. Uncertainty is the order of the day - as we wait for credit markets to improve, for unemployment to stabilize, for consumers to start spending, for federal stimulus to fulfill its promise. Even as we wait for the turnaround, however, we continue business as usual here at ASM, as our way of helping to spur recovery. This means, first and foremost, seeking support on Beacon Hill for measures that address subcontractors' economic concerns. We were pleased to win a small victory for subcontractors recently in connection with the sales tax increase (see more on this below), and we are working hard now to get support for measures to ensure subcontractors get paid for their work - guaranteed to be a stimulus in itself. On other fronts, we have just published a buyer's guide with special offers and cost savings for members. The recent issue of our magazine, and the one coming next, will be full of practical business advice for today's market conditions, as will the educational programs we have in the works for the fall. Times are challenging, to be sure, but ASM is here to help, and we encourage you to take advantage of the resources available to you this summer and throughout the year.
Sara Stafford is the president of the Associated Subcontractors of Mass., Boston.