Neil Denenberg 2009
June 30, 2009 - Connecticut
Name: Neil Denenberg
Title: President
Company: Denenberg Realty Advisors
Location: 230 Commercial St., Boston, MA 02109
Birthplace: Swampscott, MA
Birth Date: September 7, 1944
Family: Wife, Meghan; Daughters: Shelby and Corey; Grandchildren: Three plus one on the way
College: Temple University & Boston University Law School
First job outside of real estate: Founder, builder and president of television station WTWS in New London, CT with my own show Neil Denenberg's Dining with Celebrities.
First job in real estate or allied field: Developer of Old New London, CT High School turned into commercial condos
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: I have been putting my experience and creativity to work with real estate clients since 1988 in New England and across the country. As president of Denenberg Realty Advisors, I work with a diverse group of investors, owners and tenants to locate the ideal property and optimize its value. I believe in bringing complex negotiations to a favorable conclusion for my clients. For the future, I would like to expand our brand nationally with several offices in key states.
Hobbies: Golf and basketfall
Favorite book: Read to my grandchildren "Oh, the Places You'll go!" by Dr. Seuss
Favorite movie: "Bridge on the River Kwai"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Roger Volk, CPA - best friend
Key to success: Living by my expression that "Happiness is a way of traveling and not a destination."
If you were forced to choose another vocation, would would it be: Television producer/creator