New 135,000 s/f Market Basket holds grand opening in Chelsea
June 24, 2009 - Retail
The City of Chelsea is now home to one of the largest supermarkets in New England. The new Market Basket was recently unveiled at a ribbon cutting ceremony held at the supermarket's 170 Everett Ave. location. The store is a key component in Chelsea's redevelopment and will provide an affordable supermarket option for area residents and create more than 300 new jobs in the community.
"The City of Chelsea is pleased that Market Basket has invested in our community once again with this exciting new store," said Jay Ash, Chelsea city manager. "In Chelsea, we are working hard to make our city a more vibrant, affordable, business-friendly community. The ongoing improvement and revitalization of Chelsea hinges on the willing collaboration of companies like Market Basket - businesses that are good community partners, ready to invest in our city with good jobs and meaningful services."
The Everett Ave. Market Basket is a considerable departure from customary Market Basket locations. It rivals a home improvement store or bulk food retailer in size by measuring 135,000 s/f - double the size of the traditional supermarket. The new store features a full service Niji Sushi department, Market's Kitchen & Cafe, a full service bakery, and a fresh seafood on ice department. The store also offers wide aisles, and more than 30 registers to make the shopping experience more convenient and pleasurable.
"We are thrilled to reopen the Market Basket doors in Chelsea with exciting new features and wide-ranging improvements," said Kevin Feole, store director. "Our Everett Ave. location is now the largest store of its kind in the region. We welcome customers to see what we have to offer - I think we have created a store that you will love. It's convenient, affordable, and a pleasure to shop."
Market Basket, headquartered in Tewksbury, has quietly grown over the years from a single family store to a major New England employer with 60 retail locations. Through its history, and under the leadership and guidance of the late T.A. "Mike" Demoulas, who over a career of 67 years built a successful supermarket company based on respect for its customers and associates, and offering great value. This philosophy is still realized in every Market Basket store, everyday. Customers turn to Market Basket for quality product and competitive pricing. Communities find in it a good employer and exemplary corporate citizen.
For Chelsea, Market Basket has been a community anchor since 1981. The original store was a bold endeavor for Market Basket which at the time only had locations north of Rte. 128. It sits on the site of the Chelsea fire from the 1970s and was an investment in Chelsea at a time when the city needed it most.