Donald Eaton 2009
June 3, 2009 - Northern New England
Name: Donald Eaton
NH-CIBOR Title: Treasurer
Company: Eaton Partners, Inc.
Company Title: Vice President
Location: Manchester, NH
Place of birth and year: Manchester, NH - 1961
Family: Wife and 2 children
College: University of NH
First job unrelated to your current field: Real estate abstractor
First job in current field: Real estate broker for Real Estate Concepts, Manchester
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: We provide commercial property management, commercial mortgage financing and general advisory services and strive to be the best in the field.
Hobbies: Alpine skiing, boating and traveling
Favorite authors: Nelson DeMille, Tom Clancy, Kyle Mills, Vince Flynn and John Grisham
Keys to success: Reputation and integrity.