Frank Borawski 2009
April 1, 2009 - Connecticut
Name: Frank Borawski, PE, LS
Title: Vice President/Owner
Company: PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Location: 107 Old Windsor Rd., Bloomfield, Conn.
Birthplace and year: Hartford, Conn. - 1956
Family: Wife: Wendy; Children: Tracy, Tara, Frank, Jr.
College: UConn Grad - BSCE, Engineering Honors Tau-Beta Pi Chi Epsilon
First job unrelated to current field: Structural engineer at Combustion Engineering
First job in current field: Started at PDS as a co-op student in 1975
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: I handle all of the design-build construction projects providing engineering support.
Hobbies: Fishing, scuba diving, golf, skiing
Favorite book: "Die Broke"
Favorite movie: "Forrest Gump"
Persons you admire most (outside of family): Jonn McCain
Key to success: Keep a focus on your goals and work hard to obtain them.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Sport fishing charter boat captain