Ted Cutler 2009
March 18, 2009 - Connecticut
Name: Ted Cutler, AIA
Title: Principal
Company: Tecton Architects, Inc.
Location: Hartford, Conn.
Birthplace: Windsor, Conn.
Family: Wife: Kim; 3 boys - Sam, Henry, Cole; and dog, Baxter, a Black Lab
College: Pennsylvania State University
First job unrelated to current field: Construction laborer
First job in current field: Draftsman - John C. Haas Associates, State College, PA
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Architecture, interiors and land planning: corporate, healthcare, advanced technologies, retail, higher education, public safety, CAFM/IWMS services via FM Innovations, all with an emphasis on the environment and sustainability.
Hobbies: Mountain biking, woodworking, billiards, skiing, golf
Favorite book: "Fountainhead"
Favorite movie: "Usual Suspects"
Persons you admire most (outside of family): William McDonough, Green Concepts innovator.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Furniture designer