Robert Conrad 2009
February 12, 2009 - Spotlights
Name: Robert Conrad
Title: President
Company: The Conrad Group
Location: 300 Congress St., Suite 302, Quincy, Mass. 02169
Birthplace and year: Weymouth, 1951
Family: Divorced - 3 daughters: Lindsay, 27; Kristen, 23; Olivia, 13. 1 son: Matt, 15.
College: University of New Hampshire, Class of '73, Major - Economics
First job unrelated to your current field: High school teacher and coach
First job in current field: Coldwell Banker, Boston 1981 - 1988
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Commercial brokerage. We have no plans to deviate from this in the future.
Hobbies: Renovating homes
Favorite book: "The Shack"
Favorite movie: "Field of Dreams"
Person you admire (outside of family): John Sundborg
Keys to success: Enjoy what you do and do it better than anyone else.
If you had to choose another profession, what would it be? Cardiac physician