EnviroVantage cleans Waterville Valley waste water treatment facility
December 17, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering
Ahern Painting partnered with EnviroVantage in the cleaning and re-finishing of the Waterville Valley Waste Water Treatment Facility. The scope of the project split the work between the two providers with the cleaning performed by EnviroVantage and the re-coating of the inside of the two tanks by Ahern.
The steel tanks are 22' in diameter and 20' in height - each, holding 56,600 gallons of effluent, some of which, due to age, was adhering tightly to the walls of the tanks. The caustic nature of the "effluent" over time had etched into the special paint, loosening the adhesion characteristics with the potential of compromising the steel.
Scott Sansoucie of EnviroVantage worked closely with Pat Ronan of Ahern to draft a plan to power spray the outsides of the tanks, drain the tanks sequentially, erect environmental containment to ensure safety to the surrounding area, power wash and then sandblast the tank liner to prepare for the re-coating. The sandblasting required the steel to be returned to a "new" surface, a 97+% clean criteria that would ensure the coatings applied would properly adhere to the steel and provide for many more years of service.
EnviroVantage, Inc. is a regional leader in environmental cleanup and removal of hazardous materials, including lead paint, asbestos, and mold for building projects requiring renovation, demolition, or historic reconstruction.